My Sassy Girl (2001)
My Sassy Girl is a 2001 South Korean romantic comedy film featuring Jun Ji-hyun and Cha Tae-hyun in the lead roles. Written by Kim Ho-sik and directed by Kwak Jaeyong, the film centers around the relationship between a college student (Cha) and a woman with a strong personality (Jun).
The movie is based on a true story that was published by Kim Ho-sik in a series of blog posts. It follows Cha’s relationship with the young woman he meets when she is drunk and stuck on a rooftop. During their courtship, the two develop a strong bond despite their different personalities.
My Sassy Girl is often described as one of the best romantic comedies of the 21st century. It received both commercial and critical success, grossing over $92.6 million worldwide and becoming the highest grossing Korean film for five years. Critics praised the lead couple’s performances and the screenplay’s mix of romance and comedy.
If you love Korean movies and haven’t seen this classic, give it a watch! My Sassy Girl on Wikipedia is a great place to start. Or, you can watch it across various streaming services. My Sassy Girl on Streaming Services is a great starting point.
The success of My Sassy Girl led to a variety of adaptations, including a SBS television series in 2005 and an American remake in 2008. The American remake starring Jesse Bradford and Elisha Cuthbert was critically panned, but the SBS drama starring Ju Ji-hoon and Lee Yeon-hee was well-received by audiences. My Sassy Girl (2008) on IMDb and My Sassy Girl (2005) on Wikipedia will have more information on these adaptations.