The Admiral: Roaring Currents (2014)
The Admiral: Roaring Currents is an epic 2014 South Korean Naval War drama film centered around the Battle of Myeongnyang in 1597. Directed by Kim Han-min, the film stars Choi Min-sik as Admiral Yi Sun-sin and Ryu Seung-ryong as General Won Gyun. The movie was a massive success in Korean box office, becoming the best selling Korean movie of all time with over 17 million tickets sold, and the highest grossing Korean film at the time.
The movie depicts the story of Admiral Yi Sun-sin and his naval victory against an army of 300 Japanese warships at the Battle of Myeongnyang. Yi Sun-sin is a brilliant strategist, making use of his unique combat tactics and experience in battles to outsmart the Japanese. Throughout the movie, we see him battle challenges both on land and sea as he fights to protect his country.
Critical Reception
The Admiral: Roaring Currents received tremendous critical acclaim, with praise for its impeccable production, stunning visuals, and thrilling action scenes. The film is mired in history and captures the essence of the historical battle between Korea and Japan. It tells an inspiring tale of bravery and courage, and celebrates Admiral Yi Sun-sin’s commitment to defending his nation against overwhelming odds. The movie was met with both box office success and acclaim from audiences and critics alike.