The Wailing (2016)
The Wailing is an unforgettable South Korean crime-mystery film and one of the best Korean movies released in 2016. Directed by Na Hong-jin, this heart stopping thriller follows a rural police officer named Jong-go as he investigates mysterious deaths and unexplained illnesses in the village of Goksung. With his daughter haunted by eerie visions and the village plagued by unexplainable events, he must unravel the truth behind the supernatural events before it is too late.
Plot Summary
The movie follows a small-town cop named Jong-go (Kwak Do-won) and his investigation of a series of strange, supernatural occurrences that have been terrorizing the small village of Goksung. He crosses paths with an enigmatic woman, Moo-myung (Hwang Jung-min) and soon discovers the truth behind the events – a powerful and evil spirit has been forcibly driven out of the mountain by a mysterious stranger.
Critic’s Reviews
The Wailing received critical acclaim, earning a 93% rating on Rotten Tomatoes and a 92% on Metacritic. Critics praised the film for its thrilling atmosphere and suspenseful plot. Variety magazine called it “a masterpiece of raw, nerve-shredding fear,” while The Guardian deemed it “an unforgettable exploration of culture, superstition, and fear.”
If you are a fan of horror and suspense films, The Wailing is an absolute must-watch. With its shocking plot and gripping atmosphere, this South Korean classic will leave you mesmerized.
For more information about The Wailing, visit IMDB.